Our mission

We're building a
tech workforce
representative of society

Our mission

Our mission is to help people, irrespective of their background, to kickstart their career in tech. In doing so, we will improve diversity in tech and bridge the growing digital skills gap in the UK. 

We are driven by the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion and we are passionate about creating opportunities for people who may otherwise be overlooked.

We find, train, employ and develop extraordinary hidden talent and equip them with the skills and knowledge they need to be able to make an impact in their careers, whilst we aim to build a more inclusive and equitable society.

What we believe

We were founded on a belief that talent exists in all areas of society, but opportunity does not

Removing barriers

We believe that everyone deserves a chance to pursue their dreams

Equal opportunities

We believe that talented individuals can come from any background

Enabling success

We believe that skills and potential are more important to success than education

Diversity of thought

We believe that diversity drives innovation and high performing teams


Champions of change

We are creating real change by removing the barriers that prevent the tech industry from transitioning to a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable workforce. 

We are devoted to finding, training, and developing an upskilled workforce that delivers diversity of thought and that is ready to meet the unique challenges of a rapidly digitising world. 

By opening up opportunity to all, we are championing change in tech from the ground up. 

Our impact

We believe everyone, irrespective of background deserves an opportunity to reach their full potential. Through our training, development, and deployment programmes, we provide those with the hunger to succeed, the opportunity to do exactly that.  

We see and unlock the inherent capability that exists in those who may not see that for themselves, uncovering their strengths, developing their skills and confidence in readiness for a compelling career in technology.

For our people, it means creating opportunities without barriers. 

For our clients, it means helping them change from within.

For society, it means changing lives on a sustainable basis. 

Our company