Our team / Sydney Price

Sydney Price

Engagement Lead

Sydney is the Engagement Lead at Digital Futures. She oversees our professional skills training and the Engagement Manager Framework. Sydney supports our engineers during their industry placement, providing opportunities for continuous growth and support.

Prior to Digital Futures, Sydney worked in the recruitment team for one of Europe’s fastest growing start-ups. Most recently, she partnered with the education sector to allow school staff to access cutting-edge leadership and research development, benefitting thousands of students nationally.

Sydney is passionate about equal opportunities. She has developed paid internship programmes in the creative industry, co-founded an LGBTQ+ network and spoken at summits on social mobility. Her previous work in education drives her to create sustainable, accessible employment pathways representative of society.

Outside of work, Sydney is a keen thespian. She can often be found rehearsing with her dramatics society and choir.

“If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair”

Shirley Chisholm
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